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July 2001, Week 3


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Paul H Christidis <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Paul H Christidis <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 18 Jul 2001 16:13:49 -0700
text/plain (148 lines)

The following command file, when placed within a system wide logon UDC,
will limit most users to a single session (I say most since it excludes MPE
users of 'MANAGER', 'MGR' , and those who start with 'PROG' since they are
from the IT staff and can be 'trusted').  This assumes that each user has a
unique logon (jobname,username.accountname).

It also can be configured, with the assistance of an ASCII file, to provide
better granularity. (See example within the file).

Paul Christidis
(310) 952-4666

--------------------->> Start Cut *+1
#--- Don't check for jobs and some 'selected' users.
if hpJobType = "J" OR LFT(hpUser,4)  = "PROG" &
 OR POS("!hpUser#","MANAGER#,MGR#") <> 0      then
#--- Set initial / default values to some variables
setvar _lg_DEFAULT_LIMIT  1
setvar _lg_Limits_File    "JOBLIMIT.PUB.SYS"
setvar _lg_Limit_By_IP    FALSE
setvar _lg_This_Limit     _lg_DEFAULT_LIMIT
setvar _lg_Select         "!hpJobName,!hpUser.!hpAccount"
#    Next flag indicates whether the 'jobname' portion of the logon
#    should be used by 'JOBCNT' when 'limit' is set at the 'account'
#    or the 'account_user' level.
setvar _lg_Use_JobName    TRUE
#--- Determine if a 'special' limit is configured for this user.
if FINFO(_lg_Limits_File,"exists") then
   purge $oldpass > $null
   fcopy from=!_lg_Limits_File &
          ;to=$newpass;new;subset="![hpAccount]_",8 > $null
   if FINFO("$OLDPASS", "exists")     AND  &
      FINFO("$OLDPASS", "eof"   ) > 0 then
     xeq $oldpass
     if   BOUND(![hpAccount]_![hpUser]_![hpJobName]_limit) then
       setvar _lg_This_Limit ![hpAccount]_![hpUser]_![hpJobName]_limit
       if NOT _lg_Use_Jobname then
#         Remove 'jobname' from 'selection' specification
         setvar _lg_Select _lg_Select - "!hpJobName,"
       if     BOUND(![hpAccount]_![hpUser]_limit) then
         setvar _lg_This_Limit ![hpAccount]_![hpUser]_limit
       elseif BOUND(![hpAccount]_limit) then
         setvar _lg_This_Limit ![hpAccount]_limit
#--- Find all sessions logged on as "you" (current user)
setvar _lg_NumJobs JOBCNT("@S:!_lg_Select",_lg_Ses_List)

if _lg_NumJobs > 1 then
# there is at least 1 other session logged on as "you"
  if NOT _lg_Limit_By_IP then
    setvar _lg_IpCnt  _lg_NumJobs
    setvar _lg_IpCnt 0
    setvar _lg_I 0
    while setvar(_lg_I,_lg_I+1) <= _lg_NumJobs do
     if JINFO(word(_lg_Ses_List,,_lg_I),"ipaddr") = HPREMIPADDR then
       setvar _lg_IpCnt _lg_IpCnt+1
  if _lg_IpCnt > _lg_This_Limit then
    echo ![chr(7)]
    echo ** Exceeded # of sessions allowed to 'logon' as: "!_lg_Select" **
    if _lg_Limit_By_IP then
      echo ** from the same IP address (!HPREMIPADDR).
    echo ![chr(7)]
#--- Debug / Clean Up
if BOUND(traceon) then
   showvar   _lg_@, !hpAccount@_limit
   deletevar _lg_@, !hpAccount@_limit >$null
# <---------------------------------------------------->
# Author:  Paul Christidis   e-mail: [log in to unmask]
# Version: 2001.06.27        Date:   06/27/2001
# This is an enhancement of the command file posted by Jeff Vance on
# the HP3000-L list.  It allows a site to 'configure' the number of
# sessions allowed to logon to an account using account_user_jobname,
# account_user, or account limits.  It also allows the 'limit' to
# be applied to sessions originating on the same IP address.
# Configuration information is stored in a flat file "joblimit" as a
# series of 'setvar' commands, for each MPE account, MPE user or Session
# name.  It should adhere to the following format:
# (Using the SYS account as an example):
#  SETVAR SYS_MANAGER_limit        2
#  SETVAR SYS_limit                1
# NOTE: Suffix of '_limit' is required AND use UPPER case as shown.
# <---------------------------------------------------->
----------------->> End Cut *-1

Hi.  Really appreciate reading the postings here.  I am new to MPE and
it is a great resource.  Maybe someone out there has a simple answer for
my question...  is there a way, as manager.sys or an account manager to
limit the number of concurrent sessions a specific user can have open?
all users?  We have 100 MPE licenses and 80 users, which should be
enough, except I have some users who insist on having six or more
sessions open.  I am also looking into Bouncer to alleviate the

Thanks in advance,

Robin Warbey
Fresh Kist Produce
[log in to unmask]

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