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June 2001, Week 3


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Greg Cagle <[log in to unmask]>
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Greg Cagle <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 20 Jun 2001 16:31:02 -0500
text/plain (158 lines)
Stan (and others) - I've passed your input along to the ITRC upper management.

Greg Cagle
gregc at gregcagle dot com

"Stan Sieler" <[log in to unmask]> wrote in message news:9gqp7t017t@enews4.newsguy.com...
> Hi,
> Out of curiousity, I wonder if other people's experiences with the
> ITRC forums (particularly the MPE forum*s*) have been as miserable as mine.
> I posted a question yesterday, and got an email notification today that
> someone had posted a reply ...
> that's a nice feature ... but unfortunately,
> that's the last good thing I can say about the forums :(
> The email I got from the ITRC said:
> > From [log in to unmask]  Wed Jun 20 06:05:07 2001
> >    You have asked IT Resource Center Forums to notify you about the replies to this discussion topic:
> > looking for error rate specs for HP disk drives (e.g., HPC2490AM, HPC3010M1, HP7937H)
> > http://forums.itrc.hp.com/cm/QuestionAnswer/1,1150,0x6d96e7e60861d511abcd0090277a778c,00.html
> >    Someone has posted a reply to this question. Please visit the message by clicking the hyperlink above to get the most updated
> ...
> > When you return to view the answers, you'll have the ability to rate (on a scale of 1-10) each response you have received.
Simply login and click the 'Assign Points' button next to each response.  Please use the following scale when rating each response:
> >    N/A:  The answer was simply a point of clarification to my original question
> >   1- 3:  The answer didn't really help answer my question but thanks for your assistance!
> >   4- 7:  The answer helped with a portion of my question, but I still need some additional help.
> >   8-10:  The answer has solved my problem completely!  Now I'm a happy camper!
> (watch for line wrap on the "When you return..." line above
> ... it's badly formatted for some mailers to read :)
> 1) I gave up four minutes after "clicking" on the URL above, and hit <reload>
>    once or twice before I finally got the ITRC Forum stuff to respond.
>    ...That's actually *much* better performance than I saw yesterday!
>    Then, 10 out of 12 attempts to display forum postings failed after about
>    a 5 minute attempt at downloading the pages.  Even subsequent retries
>    resulted in failure to get about half of the postings I wanted to see.
> 2) The HP provided "answer" was completely useless.  With the Forum structure,
>    the fact that there's been at least one answer may discourage others
>    from reading (& responding to) my question.
> 3) There's no value suggestion for "Your answer was completely irrelevant
>    and/or off-topic, but thanks for trying" :)
>    (I might not have used that one, out of politeness,
>     ... but I did rate the answer a "1", however)
> 4) There *is* no "Assign Points" button next to the response!
>    Note: further reading of the response page revealed that I had to
>    login to be able to see an "Assign Points" button ... something the
>    ITRC email had failed to mention.  After logging in, the button appeared.
> 5) I should have been logged in automatically, anyway!  The last three times
>    I logged into the ITRC in the last 24 hours, I checked the box that
>    asked if I wanted to have my login remembered (via a cookie)!
>    (Don't insult me by asking the obvious question here :)
>    This used to work last month!
> More general Forum comments...
> 6) Which forum *does* one go to for MPE questions?  We have:
>    One top-level category with a 3000 subcategory:
>      Servers:
>         9000
>         e3000
>    One top-level category with a lot of 3000 subcategories:
>      MPE/iX:
>         database
>         general
>         networking
>         printers/spooler management
>         more...
>    and possibly:
>      business related issues:
>         business recovery planning
>    At least the "MPE/iX" choice (or "more" within it) gives you
>    all of the posts within it ... but not the "Servers / e3000" posts.
> 7) Once you get to a forum, you can choose to view:
>       - all messages
>       - messages you've gotten email about
>       - "top read" messages
>    The obvious two choices are missing:
>       - new subjects  (e.g., posted in the last week)
>       - subjects I haven't read any messages in
>       - subjects with at least one new message
>    Wait: a "good news" item: they seem to be using the
>    *same* URL from one day to the next for some of the messages,
>    so my browser is showing me (via color differences) which
>    top-level subject messages I've read!  Wow!  Now, if we could
>    get that to happen on the KDB search result URLS...
> 8) The list of subject has a "date" column ... it may mislead
>    you, because that's the date of the most recent activity, not the
>    date the question was posted.
> 9) It Sure Would Be Nice to be able to search within a Forum.
>    Sure, you can click on "Search", and you get a search page,
>    and you can even click on "Forums" ... but your search
>    covers all the Forums.  If you click on the drop down
>    "Filter Category" and select "MPE" ... well, when I tried it,
>    I got nothing when I searched for "marginal data", even though
>    that's the subject of one of the MPE Forum subject that
>    a non-filtered search found for me!
> In short, HP's spending our support dollars creating a complex,
> hard-to-use, nearly unsearchable, alternative to our existing free,
> highly searchable groups and newslists.
> I, for one, would prefer that the money spent on this project went
> directly to HP CSY, and that the Forums be replaced by a static page like:
>    - MPE/iX:
>         newsgroup:    <A HREF="news:comp.sys.hp.mpe">comp.sys.hp.mpe</A>
>         mailing list: <A HREF="http://raven.utc.edu/archives/hp3000-l.html">3000-L</A>
>         (the newsgroup and mailing list are basically identical to each other)
>    - HP 9000:
>         newsgroup:    <A HREF="news:comp.sys.hp.hpux">comp.sys.hp.hpux</A>
>    ...
> Hey...maybe this can be brought up a HPWORLD? :)
> --
> Stan Sieler                                           [log in to unmask]
> www.allegro.com/sieler/wanted/index.html                  www.sieler.com
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