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April 2001


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David Strike <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
SouthEast US Scuba Diving Travel list <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 11 Apr 2001 20:15:20 +1000
text/plain (64 lines)
On Wed, 11 Apr 2001 05:12:59 -0400, Krazy Kiwi wrote:

(big snip of some well said words)
> And to ensure those of you who think I have a personal grudge against J-
> M .. get real ... we have worse things to beef about ... we still haven't
> forgiven the Aussie's for their underarm bowling!

As a person without a racist bone in his body, (I *know* that residents of
every other country suffer the disadvantage of not being Australian), I take
exception to your derogatory comments and the intended, racially-based, slur
on our national characteristics. :-)

I take particular exception to the fact that you have chosen - as the
vehicle for your attack - cricket; a national sporting icon that symbolises
the Ozzi ... oops! .. Australian concept of fair play and  equality, (unless
our opponents happen to come from elsewhere other than Australia.  In which
case their views don't count!) :-)

I know that your unprovoked attack will be condemned by many on this list -
and rightly so!

Your thoughtless comments have offended my sense of national pride as well
as my sensibilities.  I can only hope that a wombat moves into your
backyard, digs huge holes in your lawn, and then crawls into one of them to
die! :-)

(Before I discovered Political Correctness I used to tell people to, "Go
bite a dead wombat's bum.";  but now, thanks to the efforts of those who
believe that the best way to piss people off is to remain cool and calm, I
recognise just how offensive this term might seem!)

While we're on this topic, I might as well mention one or two other comments
of yours that cause me anguish and that I'd ask you to refrain from ever
mentioning again:

As a person who's trying to recover from the trauma of a clownfish attack,
the constant referral to them often causes me to wake up in the middle of
the night with cold sweats!

Fish & Chips.
Why kill fish for food when there's perfectly good cow carcasses to be had
cheap from the UK?  And as for 'chips'!  That's a rather insulting reminder
to those of Irish stock that they once depended on the humble potato for

There's a lot more that I'd like to say but - and bearing in mind that
you're disadvantaged by gender, (Not that I mind!  Some of my best friends
are women!!!) - that's sufficient to give you the general idea.

I now leave it to your own inherent sense of what constitutes acceptable
behaviour before you decide to again make posts of this nature.

Just remember: People might well die underwater because they were uncertain,
worried, about how people on this list might view their question - but
one, (or the answer), the wrong way and they'll make sure that you go to

But they'll do it in a gentlemanly fashion! :-)
