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October 2000


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SouthEast US Scuba Diving Travel list <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 29 Oct 2000 07:58:29 -0600
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On 29 Oct 2000, at 1:55, Krazy Kiwi wrote:

> On Sat, 28 Oct 2000 David Strike <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> <Big snip of the kiwi shears>
> >Today Leighton learned:  Some new words!
> I would have loved to be a fly on the wall during that spat ;-)
> >The meaning of the buddy system and the purpose of the lost buddy
> >drill as explained in the pre-dive briefing!
> Leighton obviously had his ears on & tuned in during the dive brief!!
> Reminds me of the time I was on a liveaboard trip in Chuuk (Truk Lagoon). A
> group of divers from Brisbane were making so much noise during the dive-
> brief that it was very obvious they had heard none of it. A penetration
> dive on a deep wreck too!!  The Captain tried to get their attention in a
> polite manner, getting no where. So, having already crossed swords with
> their group leader a couple times before (man loved his own shadow, thought
> he was irrestible to females & had wandering hands) I just shouted "will
> you lot shut up". The look on his face was priceless .. Im sure he was
> stunned that someone had the gall to interrupt him mid-sentence.
> Frankly, all Im worried about doing those sorts of dive profiles, is that
> we get in & out in one piece alive & enjoy the dive. I hate paying USD to
> have some big-mouth spoil my dive trip with their arrogance & holier than
> tho attitude. People that are too cocky are an accident waiting to happen
> in my books

I take great joy in slippin' up behind then and softly whisperin', Hey
Jacque, shut the fuck up, the REST of us want to hear this dive
briefing. I have not yet gotten punched and most of them are so
taken by surprise they just stand there with drool running down
their chins for the rest of the brief. One of the Captains now nods
and winks at me when she wants me pull my stunt...

Kinda takes the wind outta their sails when they realize that the
rest of their group thinks it's funny that they got spanked on the
boat.. :-)
