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July 2000


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David Strike <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
SouthEast US Scuba Diving Travel list <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 10 Jul 2000 17:20:05 +1000
text/plain (133 lines)
On Friday, July 07, 2000 2:54 PM, Carl wrote:

> One more thing, Ok, SEVERAL more things!!!

> David Strike wrote:
> > On Friday, July 07, 2000 12:12 AM, Quinn H wrote:
> > Subject: Re: [SCUBA-SE] Oztek 2000!
> >
> > > Carl wrote:
> > > >Initially
> > > >they were told that their expenses/etc would be covered.  Then, the
> > > >FIRST "uninvite" came when they were told that there was insufficient
> > > >funding.  They said, "Ok, we'll pay our OWN way".  Then the hammer
> > > >"Sorry, we don't want you guys", which really was an edict that came
> > > >down from Bret (I like my deep air) Gilliam.

> > > Carl gave a pretty accurate synopsis. I've been following the
> > > on the GUE list server. I suspect TDI (Bret Gilliam, Pres.) got wind
> > what
> > > Jarrod was going to present, which did not bode well for other
> > > agencies and communities. That, and a mention of an accident analysis
> > > three fatalities, which TDI divers were reportedly involved in.

> > ROFLMAO!  You're entitled to an opinion - but don't voice a half-assed
> > without knowing all of the facts.

> AHHHH, I feel that we are about to be ENLIGHTENED, right?

Unlikely.  Enlightenment usually only comes to those with an open mind.

> > The TDI guy is just the convenor and the bunny who's underwritten out of

> "The TDI guy"... come on now Strike, you're a big boy, you can say it...
> "The
> Slob", that's who we're all talking about.

I wasn't! I was talking about Richard Taylor, the guy who runs TDI

>  That very same UPSTANDING
> person
> who was sued over some known faulty equipment to the tune of some 2
> million
> dollars.  Oh, yes, I bet NO ONE will be talking about THAT...

Have you sat on a thistle or something?

> > own pocket the shortfall if the conference doesn't break even.  In terms
> > sponsorships for the event, IANTD are also heavily involved as are a
> > of equipment manufacturers and other organisations.  (Other than the
> > the only Tek agency without a financial stake in the conference is
> > the one that I'm involved with!)

> > Also, as speakers, are a number of prominent authorities in their fields
> > other than just JJ - some of them are actually Australians!

> I find it VERY interesting how just some 13 hours and 52 minutes
> earlier you said...
> >>>>>I've read and heard various reasons why this has come about - but am
> >>>>>really non the wiser!

> and in this BRIEF period of time somehow seem to have acquired knowledge
> about who has underwritten the show, who's financially involved, etc.

Listen Sherlock,  I know who most of the sponsors of the show were - I also
know who was financially responsible for any shortfall.  What I still don't
REALLY know, are the reasons why JJ's invite was withdrawn.  I doubt that
either Quinn or yourself really know either.   But if I had to hazard a
guess, I'd turn my attention to some of the other sponsors.

> Something STINKS here and it's not my socks!  Oh and I just remembered
> too, ANDI - yep, Ed Betts - yep, THERE'S an upstanding organization if
> EVER I saw one.

Fortunately for Australia, Ed Betts is in America.

>Jesus Strike, you really pick the winners to go
> and associate yourself with.  First the slob,

'cause your comprehension skills seem to be lacking, I'll repeat:  My views
on diving are diametrically opposed to Gilliam's.  I am a critic.

>now Betts, who's next,
> Batman, the Mouth?  I hate to tell you but throwing around a bunch
> of initials like IANTD, ANDI doesn't mean a whole hell of a lot.

I never claimed that they did!  I was merely pointing out that Oztek is not
a TDI owned event.

> And I SURELY don't think many of the equipment manufacturers out there
> want anyone from GUE there, especially the ones selling the overpriced
> pseudo tekkie wannabe gear (like the transpuke, bondage wings, etc)
> for fear that some peoples eyes just might be opened to just how
> horrendous this gear is and how UNSUITABLE it is for real serious
> technical diving.

You're probably right!  (It's just that you're boring with it!)

> > Now go back to your learn-to-dive manuals and don't involve yourself in
> > something that you only know about through the regurgitated opinions of
> > others.

> Sounds like you are doing that very thing which you condemn.  I'm sure
> we'll here more of "the party line" after the strokefest is over.

I tend to put more value in truth and knowledge than in being a spruiker for

> > And now I'm rushing out the door to catch a plane.

> To Strokefest we will go...
> To Strokefest we will go...
> Hi Ho the merry O
> To Strokefest we will go...

Don't give up your day job.
