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February 2000, Week 2


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Fri, 11 Feb 2000 17:42:33 -0500
text/plain (592 lines)
At the bottom is a little sample.

Chip Dorman wrote:
> Glenn,
> I am interested in the answer to this, too.  Particularly, what
> is the escape sequence from the 3000 to Reflection (R1) that starts
> a  Reflection VBA subroutine.
> Chip Dorman
> Greenfield Industries
> Glenn J. Koster, Sr. wrote:
> > I have a question... well, okay, a problem... I was hoping that someone on
> > this list might actually be able to help me resolve....<snip>

; DDE_XL.RCL                                                        v5.0
;   Reflection/Excel program showing sending/receiving data via DDE.
; DDE, or Dynamic Data Exchange, is a protocol for automatically
; data and/or commands between Windows applications.  Under the protocol
; one application initiates a DDE conversation with another application;
; then data or commands may be passed, hot links may be established that
; will automatically keep  data values current between the applications;
; finally, either application may terminate the DDE conversation.
; Description:
; This little program launches the Excel application if it isn't already
; present, starts a DDE conversation with Excel, if one isn't already in
; progress,  opens a spreadsheet within Excel and then sends data to it,
; updating sales values in the spreadsheet.
; The program keeps on looping as the data is updated,  until one of the
; data items reaches a certain value.  The data values are formatted and
; displayed in Reflection's terminal window.
; Excel calculates the total sales from the data sent by Reflection; the
; total value is sent back to Reflection via DDE Request from Reflection
; and is displayed in the Reflection terminal window with the sales data
; for each update loop.
; The program detects any DDE errors by checking Reflection's ERROR-CODE
; value after each DDE command;  these codes are translated into English
; error messages and are printed in the terminal window.
; Variables:
;   v0 - Value of Reflection/Excel DDE conversation number
;   v1 - Data value sent to Excel via DDE POKE
;   v2 - Data value sent to Excel via DDE POKE
;   v3 - Data value sent to Excel via DDE POKE
;   v4 - Data value sent to Excel via DDE POKE
;   v5 - Data value received from Excel thru DDE REQUEST
;   v6 - String naming a DDE operation that has failed
;   v7 - String set to "keep_running" or "stop_running"
;   v8 - Error-Code value and translated error string
;   v9 - Loop counter
; Usage Notes:
;   Note 1:  This script requires:
;              - Microsoft Excel Version 4.0 or later,
;              - DDE_XL.XLS, Reflection sample Excel spreadsheet file.
;            The Excel file DDE_XL.XLS should be in the directory from
;            which this RCL script is being run; otherwise, the path to
;            DDE_XL.XLS should be added to subroutine SetupExcel.
;   Note 2:  The program may be run multiple times with or without
;            Excel between runs; if closing Excel, choose either option
;            save the Excel files or not, it doesn't matter. Also Excel
;            and/or Reflection can be minimized while DDE_XL is running.
;   Note 3:  The length of time the DDE_XL executes may be varied by
;            changing a decrement value (in subroutine UpdateSalesData).
;   Note 4:  Activating any of Excel's menus for several seconds blocks
;            DDE messages, causing the DDE conversation to be shut down
;            by Reflection and terminating the program.  Closing Excel
;            while the program is running will have the same effect.

; initialize system: set timeout value, stop any ongoing DDE
gosub SetupReflection

; initiate a DDE conversation with Excel, launch Excel if neccesary
gosub StartXLConverstn
gosub SetupExcel

; initialize the 'Sales Revenue' figures
gosub InitSalesData

; start monitoring "Sales Activities", loop until done
if v7 = "keep_running"

        ; do some incrementing/decrementing of the data values
        gosub UpdateSalesData

        ; send sales data to Excel and get its calculated total back
        gosub SendDataToXL
        gosub GetDataFromXL
;wait 0:0:1

        ; display the data values in the terminal window
        gosub DisplaySalesData

        ; decide if we should keep looping or quit
        gosub TestDataValue

        goto loop
        ; terminate DDE conversation
        gosub EndXLConverstn

        ; stop the program and say so
        gosub StopProgram

; Sub: SetupReflection
; Initialize the system: set Reflection's DDE timeout value, kill any
; ongoing DDE conversations and check for errors along the way.

quiet command on
set literal-escape "~~"
let v6 = ""
let v7 = "keep_running"
let v9 = 0

display "  ^M^J"
display "  ^M^J"
display "   ==================================================  ^M^J"
display "  ^M^J"
display "   ***** Beginning Reflection/Excel DDE Program *****  ^M^J"
display "  ^M^J"
display "   ***** Terminating Existing DDE Conversations *****  ^M^J"
display "  ^M^J"

let v8 = error-code
if v8 <> 0
        let v6 = "Terminate-All"
        gosub ErrorHandler

; Sub: StartXLConverstn
; This subroutine tries to initiate a DDE conversation with Excel (using
; the generic topic "SYSTEM") assuming Excel is running.  If the
; conversation can't be started because Excel doesn't answer, we try to
; launch Excel and then start the conversation.  If the conversation
; still can't be initiated, we quit trying and exit the program.
; If the conversation is initiated, the conversation number is put in
; the variable v0.

display "   *****   Initiating Conversation with Excel   *****  ^M^J"
display "  ^M^J"

let v8 = error-code
if v8 = 203
        ; can't initiate conversation, must launch Excel application
        gosub LaunchExcel

        display "   *****      Retry Initiating Conversation     *****  ^M^J"
        display "  ^M^J"

        let v8 = error-code
; if still some DDE problem, put up a message and quit
if v8 <> 0
        let v6 = "Initiate"
        goto ErrorHandler

; Sub: LaunchExcel
; This subroutine asks the user for the directory of the Excel
; application and then launches Excel, specifying the worksheet file
; supplied with this demo (DDE_XL.XLS).

display "   *****    Excel Application Is Not Running    *****  ^M^J"
display "  ^M^J"

display "   *****       Launching Excel Application      *****  ^M^J"
display "  ^M^J"

; prompt the user for the Excel directory
let v1 = "Please specify the path to your Excel executable, or press
Cancel to quit."
let v6 = "c:\excel\excel.exe"
acceptbox v6 prompt v1 default v6 icon question
let v8 = error-code
if v8 <> 0
        display "   *****       DDE demo aborted by user         *****  ^M^J"
        display "  ^M^J"
        goto StopProgram

; launch Excel application with the specified worksheet file, DDE_XL.XLS
; (note: DDE_XL.XLS file should be in the same directory as DDE_XL.RCL)
; (also note: SHELL is not a DDE command)
shell v6 DDE_XL.XLS

; give Excel a moment to collect its wit
wait 0:0:3

; Sub: SetupExcel
; This routine uses two DDE commands to initialize Excel, with a
; spreadsheet open and a DDE conversation referencing that spreadsheet.
; The "SYSTEM" topic DDE conversation established in StartXLConverstn
; is terminated and we then initiate a new conversation with the
; topic "DDE_XL.XLS".  The new conversation number is put in V0 and is
; used in all subsequent DDE commands in this program.

display "   *****       Setting Up Excel Spreadsheet     *****  ^M^J"
display "  ^M^J"

; start a conversation with topic "DDE_XL.XLS"
let v8 = error-code
if v8 <> 0
        ; send command to open the file
        DDE-EXECUTE V0 '[OPEN("DDE_XL.XLS", 0)]'
        let v8 = error-code
        if v8 <> 0
                let v6 = "Execute"
                goto ErrorHandler
        ; try again to start "DDE_XL.XLS" topic conversation
        let v8 = error-code
        if v8 <> 0
                let v6 = "Initiate"
                goto ErrorHandler

; close the "SYSTEM" topic conversation
let v8 = error-code
if v8 <> 0
        let v6 = "Terminate"
        gosub ErrorHandler
; reuse v0 for "DDE_XL.EXE" topic conversation
let v0 = v1


; Sub: InitSalesData
; This subroutine sets the initial values for the sales data.
; For this demonstration, data values are created here rather than
; getting them from a host application.
: InitSalesData

display "   *****       Acquire Initial Sales Data       *****  ^M^J"
display "  ^M^J"

let v1 = 500
let v2 = 0
let v3 = 100
let v4 = 200
let v5 = 820

display "   *****   Begin Sending Sales Data To Excel    *****  ^M^J"
display "  ^M^J"

; Sub: UpdateSalesData
; This subroutine increments and decrements the data values.  The loop
; counter is used to decide whether to send sales up or down, just like
; in real life.

if v9 < 20 or v9 < 7
        let v1 = v1 - 7
        let v1 = v1 + 9

if v9 < 23 or v2 < 61
        let v2 = v2 + 43
        let v2 = v2 - 91

if v9 < 12 or v3 < 11
        let v3 = v3 + 17
        let v3 = v3 - 11

; **** V4 is the value that controls how long we run ****
; note: change the decrement value below - smaller is slower
; (the v4 value is tested later, after it's poked to Excel)
let v4 = v4 - 6
if v4 < 6
        let v4 = 0

let v9 = v9 + 1

; Sub: SendDataToXL
; This subroutine uses the DDE-POKE command to send each value to
; a cell in the Excel spreadsheet.  Excel then displays the data in
; spreadsheet and calculates the total sales value. (Note: there are
; ways to poke a range of cell values into an Excel spreadsheet.)

DDE-POKE V0 "R5C2" "$1"
let v8 = error-code
if v8 <> 0
        let v6 = "Poke"
        goto ErrorHandler

DDE-POKE V0 "R6C2" "$2"
let v8 = error-code
if v8 <> 0
        let v6 = "Poke"
        goto ErrorHandler

DDE-POKE V0 "R7C2" "$3"
let v8 = error-code
if v8 <> 0
        let v6 = "Poke"
        goto ErrorHandler

DDE-POKE V0 "R8C2" "$4"
let v8 = error-code
if v8 <> 0
        let v6 = "Poke"
        goto ErrorHandler

; Sub: GetDataFromXL
; This subroutine uses the DDE-REQUEST command to retrieve a value from
; a cell in the Excel spreadsheet.  This cell contains a formula that
; adds the values sent from this program, so the value we get back from
; Excel should be the sum of the four values we poked in SendDataToXL.
; (Note: a DDE-ADVISE could be used to link to the data, but Excel would
; update us every time we poked one of the values to it, so this way
; causes less DDE message traffic.)

let v8 = error-code
if v8 <> 0
        let v6 = "Request"
        goto ErrorHandler

; Sub: DisplaySalesData
; This subroutine displays the new, updated data values in Reflection's
; terminal window.
; The "Total Sales" value is calculated by Excel.  Reflection gets the
; calculated value and puts it in the V5 variable (see GetDataFromXL).
; That value is then displayed by this routine.

display "   ^M^J"
display "   ^M^J"
display "   ^M^J"
display "   ^M^J"
display "   --------------------------------------------------- ^M^J"
display "   Current Sales Revenues: Companies X, Y, Z and Other ^M^J"
display "        --  as of " & $time & ",  " & $date & "  --    ^M^J"
display "   --------------------------------------------------- ^M^J"
display "   ^M^J"

display "     Company X:        $ $1 Million ^M^J"
display "     Company Y:        $ $2 Million ^M^J"
display "     Company Z:        $ $3 Million ^M^J"
display "     All Others:       $ $4 Million ^M^J"
display "   ^M^J"
display "    Total Sales:       $ $5 Million ^M^J"
display "   ^M^J"
display "   --------------------------------------------------- ^M^J"

; Sub: TestDataValue
; This subroutine decides if the value in variable v4 is below some
; critical level.  If so, then we terminate the program (instead of
; looping forever).

if v4 = 0
        display "  ^M^J"
        display "   *****       No Market Share for Others        *****  ^M^J"
        display "  ^M^J"
        let v7 = "stop_running"

; Sub: ErrorHandler
; This subroutine displays an appropriate error message for any DDE
; command errors detected, and then exits to the approprite routine for
; stopping the program.

display "   ***** DDE $6 Error:  "
gosub XlateErrorString
display "$8 ***** ^M^J"
display " ^M^J"
if v6 = "Initiate" or v6 = "Execute" or v6 = "Poke" or v6 = "Request"
        gosub EndXLConverstn

; stop the program
let v7 = "stop_running"
gosub StopProgram

; Sub: XlateErrorString
; This subroutine  translates an error-code value in v8 into an error
; string in v8.  Note that this routine handles all DDE client errors,
; and so may be used in other programs.

if v8 = 161
        let v8 = "Syntax error in RCL command"
if v8 = 201
        let v8 = "System error, unable to complete operation"
if v8 = 202
        let v8 = "Insufficient memory; operation aborted"
if v8 = 203
        let v8 = "Conversation not initiated or not found"
if v8 = 204
        let v8 = "Maximum conversation count exceeded"
if v8 = 205
        let v8 = "Message not Acknowledged; timed out"
if v8 = 206
        let v8 = "Negative Acknowledge from Server"
if v8 = 207
        let v8 = "Server application is busy"
if v8 = 208
        let v8 = "Prior DDE message must be acknowledged"
if v8 = 209
        let v8 = "Invalid Advise-link"
if v8 = 210
        let v8 = "Maximum Advise-link count exceeded"
if v8 = 211
        let v8 = "Link to data item already exists"
if v8 = 212
        let v8 = "Received data is invalid or has the wrong format"
; some other error condition: just report the error number
let v8 = "DDE Operation failed, error $8"

; Sub: EndXLConverstn
; This subroutine displays an appropriate error message for any DDE
; command errors detected, and then exits to an approprite routine for
; terminating the program.

display "   *****   Terminating Conversation with Excel   *****  ^M^J"
display "  ^M^J"

let v8 = error-code
if v8 <> 0
        let v6 = "Terminate"
        gosub ErrorHandler

; Sub: StopProgram
; This subroutine stops program execution after notifying the user.

display "   *****     Reflection Program Terminating      *****  ^M^J"
display "  ^M^J"
display "   =================================================== ^M^J"
quiet command off