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March 2005


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"Vance, Jeff H (Cupertino)" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Vance, Jeff H (Cupertino)
Fri, 4 Mar 2005 16:49:29 -0800
text/plain (129 lines)
Hi all,

As a means of getting your feedback on the externals of the new
spoolinfo() CI function, I've created what the HELP text might look

If this is an area of interest to you, please review the proposed
functionality and let me or the list have your feedback.

 Jeff Vance, vcSY

p.s. if you have even a greater interest I'd be happy to send you a
spreadsheet which has a bit more detail and maps the spoolinfo items to
their corresponding AIFSPFGET items.

Syntax:    SPOOLINFO(spoolID, item [,status])

Defn:      A CI evaluator function that returns information about
           the specified input or output spoolfile.

Type:      String, integer, or Boolean depending upon item.


  spoolID:  Required.  String identifying the target spoolfile as
            "[#]Onnnn" or "[#]Innnn", where "nnnn" is a number.
  Item:     Required.  String label specifying which information is to
            be returned.
  Status:   Optional. CI variable name where a SPOOLINFO error number 
            can be returned. Zero indicates success. Non-zero indicates
            failure.  Error values returned in 'status' are the same as
            the CIERROR value when an error occurs.  If the 'status'
            parm is passed the CI will not set CIERROR and will not
            report an error message.  If 'status' is not specified the
            CI performs its normal error handling.

Example:    :calc SPOOLINFO('#O1523', "state") 
Result:     ACTIVE
Example:    :calc SPOOLINFO("I349", 'restart')
Result:     FALSE
Example:    :calc SPOOLINFO(hplastspid, 'devClass')
Result:     LP

The following table summarizes the items of the SPOOLINFO 
function. The description includes the item string, one or more 
aliases, the data type, and a brief description of the item.

Item String        Type     Description
------------       ----    --------------------------------------------
Aborted          bool      True if output spoolfile's $stdlist was
ActiveDeviceName   string  device name working most recently on output
 ActiveDev                 spoolfile
Broadcastable    bool      Used to print additional copies of SPSAVEd
DeviceClass              string  Target device class or device name
DevRecSize               int       Record size in bytes of target device
DevSubType               int       Target device sub-type
DevType          int       Target device type
Disposition              string  Disposition after printing, "SAVE",
EnvFileName              string  Environment filename for output
spoolfile (1)
FileDesignator   string  Spoolfile's formal file designator name
FmtCreateDate    string  Spoolfile creation date formatted as: "day
                           date, year" (2)
FmtCreateTime    string  Spoolfile's creation time formatted as: 
                           "HH:MM:SS" (2)
FormsId          string  Outspool file forms ID name
FormsMsg                 bool      True means the output spoolfile has a
 Forms                     alignment message associated with it
Incomplete               bool      True if the output spoolfile is
InputType                string  Type of input spoolfile, "JOB", "DATA".
                           "" for output spoolfiles.
IntCreateDate    int       Spoolfile's creation date as a YYYYMMDD
integer (2)
IntCreateTime    int       Spoolfile's creation time as a HHMMSS integer
Job User Account   string  Spoolfile's creator's "job,user.account" name
JobName          string  Spoolfile's creator's job name, "" if none
JobNum           string  Spoolfile's creator's job/session ID, "#J|Snnn"
NumCopies                int       Total number of copies requested
NumCopiesDone    int       Total number of copies printed (completed)
NumPages                 int       Total number of pages in the output
 Pages                     Positive is accurate, negative is approximate
NumRecords               int       Number of records in a spoolfile
which has at least
 NumRecs                           been created
NumSectors               int       Number of sectors is a spoolfile
which as at least 
                                   been created
OpenState                string  Open state of spoolfile, "OPEN", "OPEN
EXCL", ""
                                   meaning not opened
OutPriority              int       Output priority, 0..14
Private          bool      True if output spoolfile is private. All
                                   spoolfiles are private
Restart          bool      True if spoolfile's job is restartable
RestartPageNum   int       Page number to resume printing for an output
SpoolfileState   string  "OPEN", "ACTIVE", "CREATE", "DEFER", "READY",
 State                     "TRANSFER", "PRINT", "PROBLEM", "DELPEND", 
                           "SPSAVE", "UNKNOWN"
User Account     string  Spoolfile's creator's "user.account" name

1) only valid if the system has not been rebooted since the spoolfile

2) spoolfile must be in one of READY, CREATE, or ACTIVE states