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May 2001, Week 3


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HP-3000 Systems Discussion <[log in to unmask]>
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Larry Painter <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 15 May 2001 15:15:04 -0400
To: HP3000 Listserve <[log in to unmask]>
Larry Painter <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (236 lines)
Our beloved MPE Server made it into another Industry standard publication
(see below).  This email newsletter from Certification Magazine has a
circulation of over 40,000. Not bad.

Just thought you would want to know...

-----Original Message-----
From: Certification Magazine [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2001 10:31 PM
To: Larry Painter
Subject: CertMag EXTRA

CertMag EXTRA is a free newsletter published weekly by Certification
Magazine: The Magazine for Certified Professionals of Information

To: Readers and Friends of Certification Magazine
From:  John Taggart, Publisher - [log in to unmask]
         Lance Starr, Editor - [log in to unmask]

Feel free to forward CertMag EXTRA to interested friends. To
subscribe, go to: http://www.certmag.com/newsletter/sub
Sponsored by:

Productivity Point International
Microsoft Tech Ed

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So You Really Are Out There!

Recently, I received some very kind words about the series of Extras dealing
with cover letters, resumes and interviewing tips. Jesse Tutterrow, a man
with a veritable alphabet of letters after his name, wrote the following:

"I have enjoyed your series on interviewing and have shared many points with
my students. One student asked about what to do if a cover letter/resume is
sent and there is no response. Should some kind of follow-up be made?"

First of all Jesse, thanks for your kind words.

Secondly, unless the job posting specifically said "No Calls," then the
answer to the question is YES!  In fact, some very reputable recruiters
would tell you your cover letter should actually include a line similar to

"I will call you on Tuesday, May 9 to check the status of my application and
discuss possible interview times."

My own opinion is that this approach is a bit presumptuous.  Therefore,
don't feel bound to include a similar sentence in your own letter,
especially if you feel uncomfortable doing so.  Simply submit a
professional cover letter, then wait an appropriate amount of time for a
response.  (There is no way to determine what an "appropriate" amount of
time is, but if the job posting lists a closing date, wait a few days after
that date.)  If a reasonable amount of time passes and you haven't heard
back, then call and speak to the hiring manager.  Tell him what position
you are calling about and ask about the status of your application.

I see no negatives to this approach.  If they have already reviewed your
resume and decided not to interview you, then at least you know and you
aren't waiting for a call that won't come.  Then again, if a decision
hasn't been reached, you are simply reinforcing the idea that you are
interested in the position and will go an extra step to prove it.  The
worst they can tell you is the position is filled, which makes you no worse
off than when you began.

One caveat, don't call more than once.  More than that and you might come
off as overly aggressive.

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Sometimes You Gotta Shake Things Up

Anyone who has spent any time searching for a job knows how disheartening it
is when the phone doesn't ring.  Despite the fact that the IT job market is
still booming, it's also very competitive. Sometimes, setting yourself
apart from the pack can be difficult.

Here are some suggestions for shaking things up and getting noticed.  These
suggestions are offered as a last resort and shouldn't be used unless you
are at the end of your rope.

Try something different with your resume or cover letter.  I once
interviewed a fellow for a public relations position based on his cover
letter.  I received about 50 applications, but his really stood out because
rather than a regular cover letter, he had written a press release that
announced his intention to "seek employment" with my company.  He formatted
the letter like a press release and included all the pertinent information
about himself in the body of the letter.  In other words, he made himself
stand out, which is exactly what you have to do.

This is an example of taking a risk to make yourself stand out.  If you are
applying for jobs as a programmer, send a copy of program you've written.
If you want a job as a Web designer, then find a creative way to show off
your best stuff on a Web site created specifically for this purpose.  A
case was related to me of a young man seeking a job as a network
administrator who recorded himself performing the tasks of an normal admin,
but with all types of craziness happening around him (fires breaking out,
people calling with funny tech issues).  He digitized it, burned it onto a
CD and sent the CD as a cover letter.  He got an interview (I don't know if
he got the job), but people who interview get jobs!

CertMag EXTRA is Sponsored by OLnIT.net.
OLnIT.net - Your source for Information Technology Course Online.

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New Certifications on the Horizon

For several months now, Tech Group University of Maryland has been planning
a standardized certification for the HPe 3000/MPE. Recently, TGU has
announced the names of the committee members for the various
certifications.  The members of the various committees will determine the
curriculum design for each certification. "The various committees are
currently designing the different certifications and want to have them
ready to roll out by the end of the year," said Jon Backus, chairman of

The HPe 3000/MPE (Multi Programming Executive) is a server operating system
that dates back to 1973.  Tech Group University is developing a
comprehensive certification track for the system, independent of
Hewlett-Packard.  The certification track will consist of three levels.
The first is the Certified Professional (MPE-CP), an entry-level
certification.  The second phase of the certification track is the advanced
level, designated as the Certified System Manager (MPE-CSM).  The third, or
Master level, consists of seven different certifications: Data Base
Administration (MPE-CDBA), Security Administration (MPE-CSA), Performance
Analyst (MPE-CPA), Developer (MPE-CD), Network Professional (MPE-CNP),
Internet Professional (MPE-CIP) and Hardware Specialist (MPE-CHS).

Each certification in the Master level equates to a "degree," and each exam
completed raises the certification candidate by one degree.  Thus, a
candidate completing one of the Master tests achieves the first degree
Master (MPE-1dM), and completing them all equates to a seventh degree
Master (MPE-7dM).  TGU will also require recertification every three years
at the highest level you have achieved.

The new certification track is not affiliated with HP, according to George
Stachnik, a member of the certification committee and an HP employee.
"Tech Group University is trying to recruit HP to recognize this
certification.  HP is investigating the possibility of recognizing the
program," said Stachnik.

HP already offers a certification for the HPe 3000/MPE, the HP MPE that is
aimed at resellers.  TGU is planning to "grandfather" holders of the HP
credential into their own certification at the Certified System Manager
(MPE-CSM) level.  The new certification from TGU is a technical
certification aimed at end users of the system.

Distribution of the exams has not been determined yet, but TGU is in
discussion with possible exam providers.

For more information on the new exam, see the Web site at www.MPECert.org.

CertMag EXTRA is Sponsored by Microsoft Tech Ed.
Attention: Software Developers!

Microsoft Tech·Ed 2001 in Atlanta, GA, June 17-21,is the premier technical
education conference for building solutions that turns the accelerating
pace of change to your competitive advantage. Learn how to develop and
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discuss how the Microsoft .NET Platform will deliver the ultimate
productivity for next generation applications. Register today!

Microsoft Tech·Ed 2001

URL: http://msdn.microsoft.com/events/teched
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Copyright 2001 MediaTec Publishing,Inc. CertMag EXTRA
may only be redistributed in its unedited form. Written
permission from the editor must be obtained to reprint or
cite the information contained within this newsletter.

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