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April 1997, Week 2


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"Dr. Ferenc Nagy" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Dr. Ferenc Nagy
Thu, 10 Apr 1997 14:08:29 +0200
TEXT/PLAIN (2249 bytes) , labelpri (4 kB)

Hello Jerry:
> By the way, are you certain that indeed the IMAGE file labels are being
> copied during your procedure?  Have you attempted to re-open the database
> and its sets following a back-and-forth transfer using something like
> QUERY and doing an 'FO SETS' command?  (I'd be very sensitive about this
> as without these labels, the base is essentially useless!)

Thank you for the new version. Indeed, there was a problem with the
labels. But I could not read the original ones from the HP. M ylabel
printing program fails with PRIV files, athough I translated it with
CAP=PM. I attach my label printing program. Where is the error around the
FOPEN and GETPRIVMODE procedures?  I have the Pascal formatting in our


in the directory

   > ftp alpha0.iki.kfki.hu
   Connected to alpha0.iki.kfki.hu.
   220 alpha0.iki.kfki.hu FTP server (OSF/1 Version 5.60) ready.
   Name: anonymous
   331 Guest login ok, send ident as password.
   230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
   Remote system type is UNIX.
   Using binary mode to transfer files.

I used an older Pascal formatting program than Stan's article about
readable Pascal programs.


Transfer your files from the HP to the PC, then execute the ZE batch
file.  On its edit menu selection you can open two windows, one for the
<source> and the other for the <source>.HIB error message file.  (In
case of Turbo Pascal the <source> has PAS extension.  The recoomended
editor is Personal Editor II, for which I added two macros to the

QUESTION: Is there any newer version the Personal Editor?


  |\  /~ ~~|~~~ Family : NAGY; first name : FERENC; title : Ph. D.
  | \ |   -+-   Institute of Isotopes of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
  |  \|    |    1121 BUDAPEST Konkoly-Thege M. ut 29, HUNGARY (1525 Bp. POB 77)
`-'   '  `-'    E-mail : [log in to unmask]

Fax: (36)-1-395-9002, work phone: (36)-1-395-9123, home phone: (36)-1-277-4229.
            ^NEW!                        ^NEW!
Home address: H-1214 BUDAPEST Raketa u. 29. I. 3.

There are 3 kinds of programming errors:  syntactical, semantical and mystical.
The programmers have to suck up the users just as much as absolutely necessary.

PROGRAM labelp(Input,Output); { Label dump of privileged files. (C) Ferenc Nagy, Institute of Isotopes, Budapest, Hungary, 1995-97. } TYPE shortint=-32768..32767; VAR name:string[36]; num:shortint; lid:shortint; fid:TEXT; buf:PACKED ARRAY [1..256] OF CHAR; len:shortint; j,k,l,m,n,p :shortint; itemvalues, {Values of asked items} itemnumbers, {Numbers of asked items} itemerrors:ARRAY [1..3] OF shortint; {Error codes of items} error1, {Global error code} mode:shortint; {Call mode} CONST ccg = 0; ccl = 1; cce = 2; PROCEDURE getusermode; INTRINSIC; PROCEDURE getprivmode; INTRINSIC; PROCEDURE flabelinfo; INTRINSIC; PROCEDURE freadlabel; INTRINSIC; PROCEDURE terminate ; INTRINSIC; PROCEDURE fcheck; INTRINSIC; PROCEDURE fclose; INTRINSIC; FUNCTION fopen : shortint; INTRINSIC; PROCEDURE genmsgu (setno, msgno : shortint); EXTERNAL spl; BEGIN Writeln('Label dump of privileged files.'); Writeln( '(C) Ferenc Nagy, Institute of Isotopes, Budapest, Hungary, 1995.'); Writeln; REPEAT Prompt('File (Terminate with ":","" or "//") ===>'); IF Eof(Input) THEN terminate; Readln(name); Writeln('*** ',name,' ***'); itemnumbers[1]:=10; itemnumbers[2]:=9; itemnumbers[3]:=0; mode:=0; getprivmode; flabelinfo(name,mode,error1,itemnumbers, itemvalues, itemerrors); IF (name='') OR (name='//') THEN terminate; IF error1=0 THEN BEGIN CASE itemvalues[2] OF -32768..-1: Writeln('This is a privileged file.'); 1433: Writeln( 'This is a Business Report Writer Intermediate Report File.' ); OTHERWISE; END; {fopen call by Stan Sieler's 'fileopen'...} num := fopen (name, Octal ('000003'), {F, binary, old} Octal ('002300'),{gmulti, shr, IN} ); IF CCode <> cce THEN BEGIN Writeln ('unable to open file: ', name); fcheck (num, error1); genmsgu (8, error1); END ELSE BEGIN num:=Fnum(fid); j:=0; Writeln(itemvalues[1],' label(s) expected.'); REPEAT buf:=''; len:=128; freadlabel(num,buf,len,j); IF CCode=2 THEN BEGIN Writeln('Label#',j:1); IF itemvalues[2]=1433 THEN BEGIN {List BRW IRF labels in special formats} IF j=0 THEN BEGIN m:=Ord(buf[64]); n:=Ord(buf[60]); p:=((n-1) DIV 7)+1; FOR k:=0 TO 15 DO BEGIN FOR l:=1 TO 16 DO IF buf[16*k+l] IN [' '..'Z'] THEN Write(buf[ 16*k+ l]) ELSE Write('_'); FOR l:=1 TO 16 DO Write(Ord(buf[16*k+l]):4); Writeln; END; END ELSE IF j>p THEN BEGIN FOR k:=0 TO 10 DO BEGIN FOR l:=1 TO 20 DO IF buf[22*k+l] IN [' '..'Z'] THEN Write(buf[ 22*k+ l]) ELSE Write('_'); FOR l:=21 TO 22 DO Write(Ord(buf[22*k+l]):4); IF k=11 THEN FOR l:=243 TO 256 DO Write(Ord(buf[l]):4); Writeln; END; END ELSE BEGIN FOR k:=0 TO 6 DO BEGIN FOR l:=1 TO 20 DO IF buf[36*k+l] IN [' '..'Z'] THEN Write(buf[ 36*k+ l]) ELSE Write('_'); FOR l:=21 TO 36 DO Write(Ord(buf[36*k+l]):4); IF k=6 THEN FOR l:=253 TO 256 DO Write(Ord(buf[l]):4); Writeln; END; END; END ELSE BEGIN {List other labels in general format} FOR k:=0 TO 15 DO BEGIN FOR l:=1 TO 16 DO IF buf[16*k+l] IN [' '..'Z'] THEN Write(buf[16*k+ l]) ELSE Write('_'); FOR l:=1 TO 16 DO Write(Ord(buf[16*k+l]):4); Writeln; END; END; END; j:=j+1; UNTIL (CCode<>2) AND (j>itemvalues[1]); fclose (num, 1, 0);{or, fid, 9 for CRUNCH} IF CCode <> cce THEN BEGIN fcheck (num, error1); genmsgu (8, error1); END; END; END ELSE Writeln('File not accessible.'); getusermode; Writeln; UNTIL FALSE; END.