HP3000-L Archives

October 1999, Week 3


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Fri, 15 Oct 1999 12:19:05 +0200
text/plain (119 lines)
Hi Brad,
I dont have a Cobol version, but here is an SPLash version.
You should be able to translate it into Cobol easily enough
if you use the recently introduced Cobol routines for boolean
operations as described in the 6.0 communicator.
( HP_BYTE_XOR is the only one you need )

| CALCCRC16 :    Calculate the CRC16 for a given byte string     |
|   data    :    byte array containing data to be crc'ed         |
|   nb      :    number of bytes in data.                        |
|   crc     :    crc accumulator.                                |
Logical Procedure CALCCRC16(data,nb,crc);
                  value   nb,crc;
                  integer nb;logical crc;
                  byte array data;
Integer        i
Logical array  CRC16TAB(0:255)=PB:=
        $0000, $C0C1, $C181, $0140, $C301, $03C0, $0280, $C241,
        $C601, $06C0, $0780, $C741, $0500, $C5C1, $C481, $0440,
        $CC01, $0CC0, $0D80, $CD41, $0F00, $CFC1, $CE81, $0E40,
        $0A00, $CAC1, $CB81, $0B40, $C901, $09C0, $0880, $C841,
        $D801, $18C0, $1980, $D941, $1B00, $DBC1, $DA81, $1A40,
        $1E00, $DEC1, $DF81, $1F40, $DD01, $1DC0, $1C80, $DC41,
        $1400, $D4C1, $D581, $1540, $D701, $17C0, $1680, $D641,
        $D201, $12C0, $1380, $D341, $1100, $D1C1, $D081, $1040,
        $F001, $30C0, $3180, $F141, $3300, $F3C1, $F281, $3240,
        $3600, $F6C1, $F781, $3740, $F501, $35C0, $3480, $F441,
        $3C00, $FCC1, $FD81, $3D40, $FF01, $3FC0, $3E80, $FE41,
        $FA01, $3AC0, $3B80, $FB41, $3900, $F9C1, $F881, $3840,
        $2800, $E8C1, $E981, $2940, $EB01, $2BC0, $2A80, $EA41,
        $EE01, $2EC0, $2F80, $EF41, $2D00, $EDC1, $EC81, $2C40,
        $E401, $24C0, $2580, $E541, $2700, $E7C1, $E681, $2640,
        $2200, $E2C1, $E381, $2340, $E101, $21C0, $2080, $E041,
        $A001, $60C0, $6180, $A141, $6300, $A3C1, $A281, $6240,
        $6600, $A6C1, $A781, $6740, $A501, $65C0, $6480, $A441,
        $6C00, $ACC1, $AD81, $6D40, $AF01, $6FC0, $6E80, $AE41,
        $AA01, $6AC0, $6B80, $AB41, $6900, $A9C1, $A881, $6840,
        $7800, $B8C1, $B981, $7940, $BB01, $7BC0, $7A80, $BA41,
        $BE01, $7EC0, $7F80, $BF41, $7D00, $BDC1, $BC81, $7C40,
        $B401, $74C0, $7580, $B541, $7700, $B7C1, $B681, $7640,
        $7200, $B2C1, $B381, $7340, $B101, $71C0, $7080, $B041,
        $5000, $90C1, $9181, $5140, $9301, $53C0, $5280, $9241,
        $9601, $56C0, $5780, $9741, $5500, $95C1, $9481, $5440,
        $9C01, $5CC0, $5D80, $9D41, $5F00, $9FC1, $9E81, $5E40,
        $5A00, $9AC1, $9B81, $5B40, $9901, $59C0, $5880, $9841,
        $8801, $48C0, $4980, $8941, $4B00, $8BC1, $8A81, $4A40,
        $4E00, $8EC1, $8F81, $4F40, $8D01, $4DC0, $4C80, $8C41,
        $4400, $84C1, $8581, $4540, $8701, $47C0, $4680, $8641,
        $8201, $42C0, $4380, $8341, $4100, $81C1, $8081, $4040;

  For i:=0 until nb-1
  do  crc:=crc.(0:8) xor CRC16TAB(crc.(8:8) xor data(i));


From:     [log in to unmask] on 14/10/99 22:24 GMT

Pour :    HP3000-L

cc :

ccc:  Tad BOCHAN

Objet :   CRC Checksum with Cobol

Does anyone have a Cobol example of doing a CRC checksum on a data

I'll be sending data over a socket between a C program on a 9000 and a
Cobol program on a 3000 so I'll have to do the same calculation with
both C and Cobol. If someone has already done this I would be interested
to know how it worked out.

In the HP3000-L archive, I saw some discussion about turning on the TCP
checksum but doesn't this incur substantial overhead?


Brad Feazell

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