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January 1997, Week 2


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Stan Sieler <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Stan Sieler <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 9 Jan 1997 13:54:55 -0800
text/plain (272 lines)
I modified Jeff's modification :)
Working program follows.

BTW, http://www.allegro.com/papers/htpp.html explains some of the
changes I made.

Note that this is now completely Pascal I/O free, but the I/O isn't


--------------------------cut here-------------------------------------

program readgivenfile (parm);

      {Run with PARM=1 (or any odd value) to get per-line information}
      {For other PARM bits, see the outer block code.                }

   ccg            = 0;
   ccl            = 1;
   cce            = 2;

   io_str_type    = string [256];
   str32          = string [32];

   old_plabel     : integer;
   parm           : shortint;          {set from RUN...;PARM=###}
   want_strip_trailing_blanks : boolean;     {PARM bit 14}
   want_verbose   : boolean;                 {PARM bit 15}

Function dascii               : shortint;    intrinsic;
Procedure fcheck;                            intrinsic;
Procedure fclose;                            intrinsic;
Function fopen                : shortint;    intrinsic;
Function fread                : shortint;    intrinsic;
Procedure print;                             intrinsic;
Function readx                : shortint;    intrinsic;
Procedure setjcw;                            intrinsic;
Procedure terminate;                         intrinsic;
Procedure xcontrap;                          intrinsic;

Procedure genmsgu (setnum : shortint; msgnum : shortint);

{--------------------------forward routines--------------------}

Function fmti (n : integer; w : integer) : str32;

Function num (n : integer) : str32;

Procedure spout (s : io_str_type);

procedure cy_handler;


   spout ('<control-Y>');


   end {cy_handler proc};
function fmti (n : integer; w : integer) : str32;

      {Returns string with ASCII representation of integer n}
      {If n takes less than w characters to represent, the  }
      {string will be padded with blanks on the LEFT to a   }
      {total length of W.   (I.e., this is like a FORTRAN I }
      {format, although we don't truncate or do "***" on    }
      {overflow.                                            }

      len         : integer;
      s           : str32;


   if w > strmax (s) then
      w := strmax (s)
   else if w < 1 then
      w := 1;

$push, range off$
   len := dascii (n, 10, s);
   setstrlen (s, len);

   if len < w then
      s := strrpt (' ', w - len) + s;

   fmti := s;
$pop$             {range}

   end {fmti proc};
function num (n : integer) : str32;

      {Returns string with ASCII representation of integer n}

      len         : integer;
      s           : str32;


$push, range off$
   len := dascii (n, 10, s);
   setstrlen (s, len);

   num := s;
$pop$             {range}

   end {num proc};
procedure spout (s : io_str_type);


   print (s, - strlen (s), 0);

   end {spout proc};
procedure spoutstop (s : io_str_type);


   print (s, - strlen (s), octal ('320'));

   end {spoutstop proc};
procedure test;


      max_bytes_per_record    = 512;

         {Big variables first...}

                  {Note: if sum of all variables <= 8192 bytes,}
                  {then this doesn't matter.                   }

      buffer      : packed array [1..max_bytes_per_record] of char;

         {small variables last...}

      cc          : integer;
      err16       : shortint;
      fid         : shortint;          {file# of input file}
      infilename  : packed array [1..81] of char;  {80 + 1}
      len         : integer;
      nextchar    : char;
      num_bytes   : integer;
      num_lines   : integer;           {line count}
      total_byte_count  : integer;     {total # characters read}


   fid := 0;                  {in case we exit early}

   num_lines := 0;
   total_byte_count := 0;

   spoutstop ('Enter the name of FILE to read: ');
   len := readx (infilename, -80);
   if len <= 0 then
      goto 999;                        {no valid input}
                  {above check catches CCG/CCL as well as <cr>}

   spout (' ');

   infilename [len + 1] := ' ';        {blank stopper}

   fid := fopen (infilename,
                  1,                   {old}
                  octal ('300'));      {SHR, in}

   if ccode <> cce then
      fcheck (fid, err16);
      spout ('Failed to open file, error # ' + num (err16));
      genmsgu (8, err16);
      goto 999;

         {ok, we have an open file...}

   num_bytes := fread (fid, buffer, -sizeof (buffer));
   cc := ccode;               {get error/ok result of fread}

   while cc = cce do          {we have a record to handle...}

      if want_strip_trailing_blanks then
         while (num_bytes > 0) and (buffer [num_bytes] = ' ') do
            num_bytes := num_bytes - 1;

      total_byte_count := total_byte_count + num_bytes;

      num_lines := num_lines + 1;        {total # of lines}

      if want_verbose then
         spout ('Number of characters in line ' +
                  fmti (num_lines, 5) +
                  ' = ' +
                  fmti (num_bytes, 3) +
                  ', total = ' +
                  fmti (total_byte_count, 6));

      num_bytes := fread (fid, buffer, -sizeof (buffer));
      cc := ccode;            {get error/ok result of fread}

         {At this point, cc <> cce ... so it is either ccg or ccl}

   if cc = ccg then
      begin                   {hit EOF...that's ok}

   else                       {not ccE, not ccG --> ccL}
      begin                   {oops, error reading file...}
      fcheck (fid, err16);
      spout ('Error reading file, error # ' + num (err16));
      genmsgu (8, err16);
      goto 999;

   spout ('Read ' + num (num_lines) + ' records, ' +
                  num (total_byte_count) + ' bytes.');


   if fid <> 0 then
      fclose (fid, 0, 0);
         {ignore any error}

      fid := 0;

   end {test proc};


want_verbose := odd (parm);                        {PARM bit 15}
want_strip_trailing_blanks := odd (parm div 2);    {PARM bit 14}

      {arm control-Y}

xcontrap (baddress (cy_handler), old_plabel);

      {do the main work...}


---------------------------------end cut-----------------------------------

Stan Sieler                                          [log in to unmask]