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December 2009, Week 1


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"Dave Powell, MMfab" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Dave Powell, MMfab
Fri, 4 Dec 2009 12:55:05 -0800
text/plain (337 lines)
Here is the "holiday" function.  The "tomorrow", "realdays" and "workdays" 
functions will follow, as will the tester command-file.  (Don't worry, the 
others will be shorter).

Anyone who wants to is welcome to post them on their web sites, translate to 
other languages, etc, as long as they give credit to me and to MMfab.

:print holiday.func.shr;page=0
option nolist
parm CCYYMMDD    =   ""
if   bound (HOL_ERRORS)    or    bound (HOL_DOW)
     deletevar   HOL_@
setvar   HOL_ERRORS  0
if   "!CCYYMMDD"     =   ""
     setvar  HOL_CYMD    HPYYYYMMDD
     setvar  HOL_DOW     !HPDAY
     if  HOL_CYMD        <>  HPYYYYMMDD
#            If the date has changed, we just hit midnite and the
#            day-of-week we just set might be the new day; in this
#            case set the date & day-of-week again, and we should
#            be ok (unless the following 2 commands take 24 hours :)
         setvar  HOL_CYMD    HPYYYYMMDD
         setvar  HOL_DOW     !HPDAY
     setvar  HOL_CYMD    "!CCYYMMDD"
     if  not numeric (HOL_CYMD)
         echo **date parm, if entered, must be numeric**
         setvar  HOL_ERRORS  HOL_ERRORS + 1
     if  len (HOL_CYMD)   <>  8
         echo **date parm must be exactly 8 digits, unless omitted**
         setvar  HOL_ERRORS  HOL_ERRORS + 1
     elseif  numeric (HOL_CYMD)
         if  rht (HOL_CYMD, 2) > "31"
             echo **last 2 digits of date parm can't be more than 31**
             setvar  HOL_ERRORS  HOL_ERRORS + 1
         elseif  rht (HOL_CYMD, 2) = "00"
             echo **last 2 digits of date parm can't be "00"**
             setvar  HOL_ERRORS  HOL_ERRORS + 1
         if  str (HOL_CYMD, 5, 2) > "12"
             echo **bytes 5 & 6 of date parm can't be more than 12**
             setvar  HOL_ERRORS  HOL_ERRORS + 1
         elseif  str (HOL_CYMD, 5, 2) = "00"
             echo **characters 5 & 6 of date parm can't be "00"**
             setvar  HOL_ERRORS  HOL_ERRORS + 1
     if  HOL_ERRORS      >   0
         echo **exiting because the date-parm was not a valid**
         echo **8-digit date in yyyymmdd format **
         setvar  HOL_MSG "*ERROR*"
         return FALSE

setvar   HOL_YYYY    str (HOL_CYMD, 1, 4)
setvar   HOL_MM      str (HOL_CYMD, 5, 2)
setvar   HOL_DD      str (HOL_CYMD, 7, 2)

#    Set day of week, unless already set because processing "today"
if   not     bound (HOL_DOW)
#    Day-of-week with my adaption of a "Zeller" formula
#    off the internet.
     if  HOL_MM      <   "03"
         setvar  HOL_ZMONTH  !HOL_MM  +  12
         setvar  HOL_ZYEAR   !HOL_YYYY   -   1
         setvar  HOL_ZMONTH  !HOL_MM
         setvar  HOL_ZYEAR   !HOL_YYYY
     setvar  HOL_DOW     ( &
         ((13 * HOL_ZMONTH + 3) / 5)  +  !HOL_DD  +  HOL_ZYEAR &
     +   (HOL_ZYEAR/4) - (HOL_ZYEAR/100) + (HOL_ZYEAR/400) &
     +   1 )     mod 7   +   1

     deletevar   HOL_Z@

#    -------------------------------------------------------
#    Do not casually modify above here.
#    Set up any special / unofficial holidays here,
#    OK to replace any dates that are past with the date of a
#    holiday the company just announced (Jewish new year,
#    days before / after Christmas & New Years, etc, etc).

if   HOL_CYMD="20090703"  or  HOL_CYMD="20090928" &
or   HOL_CYMD="20081226"  or  HOL_CYMD="20090102"
     setvar  HOL_MSG "Special company holiday :)"
     return  TRUE
if   HOL_CYMD >= "20091228" and HOL_CYMD <= "20091231"
     setvar  HOL_MSG "Mandatory X-mas vacation"
     return  TRUE

#    Do not casually modify below here, except to set company
#    policy on which holidays you actually get.
#    -------------------------------------------------------
#    Now check for specific regular holidays, month-by-month.
setvar   HOL_MSG     ""

if   HOL_MM  =   "01"
     if  HOL_DD  =   "01"
         setvar  HOL_MSG "New Years Day"
         return  TRUE
     if  ( !HOL_DOW=2  and  !HOL_DD>=15  and  !HOL_DD<=21 )
         setvar  HOL_MSG "Martin Luther King day - do we get it?"
#        return  TRUE
     return  FALSE
elseif   HOL_MM  =   "02"
     if  (!HOL_DOW=2  and  !HOL_DD>=15  and  !HOL_DD<=21)
         setvar  HOL_MSG "President's Day"
         return  TRUE
     return  FALSE
elseif   HOL_MM  =   "05"
     if  (!HOL_DOW=2  and  !HOL_DD>=25  and  !HOL_DD<=31)
         setvar  HOL_MSG "Memorial Day"
         return  TRUE
     return  FALSE
elseif   HOL_MM  =   "07"
     if  HOL_DD  =   "04"
         setvar  HOL_MSG "July 4th"
         return  TRUE
     return  FALSE
elseif   HOL_MM  =   "09"
     if  ( !HOL_DOW=2  and  !HOL_DD>=1  and  !HOL_DD<=7 )
         setvar  HOL_MSG "Labor Day"
         return  TRUE
     return  FALSE
elseif   HOL_MM  =   "11"
     if  HOL_DD  =   "11"
         setvar  HOL_MSG "Veterans Day - but do we get it ?"
#        return  TRUE
     if  ( !HOL_DOW=5  and  !HOL_DD>=22  and  !HOL_DD<=28 )
         setvar  HOL_MSG "Thanksgiving"
         return  TRUE
     if  ( !HOL_DOW=6  and  !HOL_DD>=23  and  !HOL_DD<=29 )
         setvar  HOL_MSG "The day after Thanksgiving"
         return  TRUE
     return  FALSE
elseif   HOL_MM  =   "12"
     if  HOL_DD  =   "25"
         setvar  HOL_MSG "Christmas"
         return  TRUE
     return  FALSE

# showvar  HOL_@
return   FALSE
#    Function "holiday" to return 'TRUE' on company holidays
#    Dave Powell,    MMfab, Inc              05/12/2009
#    Logic adapted from the "datetest" command file
#    posted by Tracy Pierce on the HP-3000L on 09/26/2002
#    Leftover variables:
#    -   HOL_CYMD    the 8-digit date it checked (string type).
#    -   HOL_YYYY    4-digit year
#    -   HOL_MM      2-digit month
#    -   HOL_DD      2-digit day (these 3 are also string type
#    -   HOL_DOW     day-of-week (Sun=1, etc -- use this one)
#    -   HOL_ERRORS  numeric
#    -   HOL_MSG     Name of the holiday it thinks it is, or
#                    "" (or "*ERROR*")
#    Holidays that it currently has the fine-print for (some are
#    commented out)
#    -   New Years Day           Jan  1
#    -   Martin Luther King Day  Jan, Mon between day 15 & 21
#    -   President's Day         Feb, Mon             15 & 21
#    -   Memorial Day            May, Mon             25 & 31
#    -   Independence Day        Jul  4
#    -   Labor Day               Sep, Mon              1 &  7
#    -   Veterans Day            Nov 11
#    -   Thanksgiving Day        Nov, Thu             22 / 28
#    -   "indigestion day"       Nov, Fri             23 / 29
#    -   Christmas               Dec 25
#    Does not check for Easter because its hard, and because our
#    separate Sunday logic means we will always know its a day off.
#    Syntax: if   holiday ()  then       <checks today>
#            calc holiday (20090511)
#            if   holiday ("20090511")   then
#            calc holiday (SomeDateVariable)
#            etc
#    Sample company logic:
#        setvar WORKDAY not (HPDAY=1 or HPDAY=7 or HOLIDAY())
#        (for a company that does not work Saturdays)
#        or
#            setvar  OFFDAY    HPDAY=1    or   HOLIDAY()
#            setvar  WORKDAY   HPDAY<>7   and  not OFFDAY
#            setvar  MAYBEDAY  HPDAY=7    and  not OFFDAY
#            <do every-day-including-Sunday-&-holiday stuff>
#            if  not OFFDAY
#                <do whatever we want on Saturday but not on offdays>
#                if  WORKDAY
#                    <do the work-day-only stuff>
#                endif
#            endif
#        (for a company that sometimes has a few people in
#        Saturday morning, so it's not a regular work day or
#        a complete day off).
#    Variable-naming convention:
#    -   'DD', "MM",  "YYYY" etc mean string variables with the
#        length you might guess from the name.
#    -   "DOW", 'DAY', "YEAR", "MONTH" mean integer-type variables.
#    Changes / "improvements" in this file over original "datetest"
#    -   Function syntax, so you can say
#            if holiday() then
#        instead of
#            xeq datetest
#            if IForgetTheVariableName = WhatWasThatValue then
#    -   Separate "if"s for each holiday, to make it easier to
#        turn them on or off depending on your site's policies.
#    -   Then turns off some holidays I don't I think I can
#        count on MMfab always taking.
#    -   It sets a variable to the name of whatever holiday it
#        thinks it is, to make debugging easier.
#    -   Has a spot to put in extra / unofficial days off when
#        the company announces them (like the day before / after
#        Christmas).
#    -   Returns true if the holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday.
#    -   Midnite protection.
#    -   Checks that the date is numeric, with plausible month & day
#        (does not check that the day is too high for that month)
#    -   More readable ?
#    -   Improved day-of-week calculation.
#    Downgrades:
#    -   Won't try to guess the century -- cannot handle 6-digit
#        input.
#    All input errors return "FALSE" on the assumption that the
#    programmer, at least, can't take a holiday until he fixes
#    the bug     :)
#    --------------------------------------------------
#    --------------------------------------------------
#    --------------------------------------------------
#    Day-of-Week note:
#    The 3 methods mostly agree, but 12-25-2100 is a Sunday
#    according to method 1, but a Saturday according to methods
#    2 & 3.  Babwani's modified 2007 date-calc spreadsheet also
#    says Sat.  Method 2 is the HOL_X@ variables, 3 uses [log in to unmask]
#    ------------------------------------------------------------
#    Alternate day-of-week calculations:
#    below are the original 3 versions of the DOW calc, and
#    the code to compare and bitch if they gave different results:
## # 1st, the method in the original "datetest" command file
#    setvar  HOL_DOW str("000031059090120151181212243273304334", &
#            !HOL_MM * 3 - 2, 3)
#    setvar  HOL_DOW     !HOL_DOW + !HOL_DD
#    if  !HOL_MM > 2    and   ( !HOL_YYYY / 4 * 4 = !HOL_YYYY )
#        setvar  HOL_DOW      HOL_DOW + 1
#    endif
#    setvar  HOL_YWK     !HOL_YYYY - 1
#    setvar  HOL_DOW     !HOL_DOW + ( !HOL_YWK / 400 ) * 146097
#    setvar  HOL_YWK     !HOL_YWK  mod  400
#    setvar  HOL_DOW     !HOL_DOW + ( !HOL_YWK / 100 ) * 36524
#    setvar  HOL_YWK     !HOL_YWK mod 100
#    setvar  HOL_DOW     !HOL_DOW + ( !HOL_YWK / 4 ) * 1461
#    setvar  HOL_YWK     !HOL_YWK mod 4
#    setvar  HOL_DOW     !HOL_DOW + ( !HOL_YWK * 365 )
#    setvar  HOL_DOW     ( HOL_DOW mod 7 ) + 1
#    deletevar HOL_YWK
## # Next, the method posted to the 3000-l by Mike Hornsby 06/04/2004
## # except, add 1 at the end because his was 0-6 and we need
## # 1-7.
#    setvar  HOL_XYR !HOL_YYYY-((12-!HOL_MM)/10)
#    setvar  HOL_XMONTH !HOL_MM+(((12-!HOL_MM)/10)*12)
#    setvar  HOL_XDAY !HOL_DD+(!HOL_XMONTH*2)+(((!HOL_XMONTH+1)*6)/10)
#    setvar  HOL_XLEAP_YR (HOL_XYR/4) - (HOL_XYR/100) + (HOL_XYR/400)
#    setvar  HOL_XDAY (HOL_XDAY+HOL_XYR+HOL_XLEAP_YR+1) mod 7  +  1
## # Next, day-of-week with my adaption of a "Zeller" formula
## # off the internet.
#    if  HOL_MM      <   "03"
#        setvar  HOL_ZMONTH  !HOL_MM  +  12
#        setvar  HOL_ZYEAR   !HOL_YYYY   -   1
#    else
#        setvar  HOL_ZMONTH  !HOL_MM
#        setvar  HOL_ZYEAR   !HOL_YYYY
#    endif
#    setvar  HOL_ZDAY    ( &
#        ((13 * HOL_ZMONTH + 3) / 5)  +  !HOL_DD  +  HOL_ZYEAR &
#    +   (HOL_ZYEAR/4) - (HOL_ZYEAR/100) + (HOL_ZYEAR/400) &
#    +   1 )     mod 7   +   1
## # Now, see if the day-of-week calcs agree
#    if  HOL_DOW     <>  HOL_XDAY &
#    or  HOL_DOW     <>  HOL_ZDAY &
#    or  HOL_ZDAY    <>  HOL_XDAY
#        setvar  HOL_ERRORS  HOL_ERRORS + 1
#        echo **day-of-week error**
#        echo    HOL_DOW   =   !HOL_DOW
#        echo    HOL_XDAY  =   !HOL_XDAY
#        echo    HOL_ZDAY  =   !HOL_ZDAY
#    endif
#    setvar  HOL_DOW     HOL_ZDAY
#    setvar  HOL_DAY     HOL_DOW
#    deletevar   HOL_X@,  HOL_Z@ 

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