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January 1995, Week 3


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Thu, 19 Jan 1995 10:02:36 +0100
text/plain (184 lines)
> We've got an HP3000 running MPE V that we use for some testing.  I've got
> to compile a form in Formspec, but don't have any documentation on
> how to do so.
Here is an example of batch use of FORMSPEC:                    | Remarks
!JOB SZAMFJOB,NF/FERO.IKINFO/URAN                               |
!TELL NF.IKINFO,"SZAMF1 OCCUPIED."                              |
file SZAMF1                                                     |
compile into SZAMFF1                                            | 2.
forms @                                                         | 3.
list                                                            | 4.
EXIT                                                            |
!IF formspecerrorjcw=0 THEN                                     |
!altsec SZAMFF1;newacd=(x,l,r:@.ikinfo)                         |
!tell NF.IKINFO,"SZAMFF1 is open from public usage"             |
!ELSE                                                           |
! TELL NF.IKINFO,"Errors in SZAMF1  ----------> See SZAMF1M!"   |
!ENDIF                                                          |
!TELL NF.IKINFO,"SZAMFJOB has run"                              |
!EOJ                                                            |
EOF FOUND IN FROMFILE AFTER RECORD 15                           |
1. See UDC below
2. Compile into a FAST FORM file
3. List fields and forms
4. Detailed list of form definitions
The UDC F2
:help f2
USER DEFINED COMMAND:                                            | Remarks
    DISPOUT="OLD;DEV=DISC",FORMSINPUT=TAIK                       |
FILE FORMLIST=!FORMLIST,!DISPLIST                                | 5.
FILE FORMOUT=!FORMOUT,!DISPOUT                                   | 6.
RUN FORMSPEC.PUB.SYS;INFO="!FORMSINPUT"                          | 7.
RESET FORMLIST                                                   |
RESET FORMOUT                                                    |
5. File equation for the detailed list
6. File for the field list and the error message of the compilation
7. The info string contains the file name of the batch commands
This is an SLS initiator file creating a batch job with FORMSPEC tasks:    |Rem.
   display COMPILING OF FORMS                                              |
   display ==================                                              |
   <<N. F. 1994. 04. 05.>>                                                 |
   <<N. F. 1994. 05. 12.>>                                                 |
   who user group acct port                                                | 8.
   file 1 apw.mgr acctpass 1 1 8                                           |
   no 1 goto 1                                                             |
   echo off                                                                |
   input acctpass Enter the password of account <acct> =                   | 9.
   echo on                                                                 |
1  file 2 upw userpass 1 1 8                                               |
   no 2 goto 2                                                             |
   echo off                                                                |
   input userpass Enter the password of user <user> =                      |
   echo on                                                                 |
2  input source1 Name of form file without version number?                 |10.
   null 2                                                                  |
   null 2 goto 2                                                           |
   upshift source1                                                         |
   input vz Version number (default is 14A)?                               |
   upshift vz                                                              |
   null 6                                                                  |
   yes 6 set vz 14A                                                        |
20 finfo 9 <source1><vz> l1 LIMIT                                          |
   yes 9 display <source1><vz> does not exist. Enter again!                |
   yes 9 goto 2                                                            |
   input fast End of the name of the fast form file (default is G)?        |
   null 6                                                                  |
   yes 6 set fast G                                                        |
   print !job af<vz>job,<user>/<userpass>.ikinfo/<acctpass>                |11.
   print !TELL NF.IKINFO,"<source1><vz> IS OCCUPIED."                      |
   print !continue                                                         |
   finfo 8 LIST<vz> l LIMIT                                                |
   no 8 display The listing can be <l> lines long.                         |
   yes 8 input l How long can be the list?                                 |
   yes 8 print !build LIST<vz>;rec=-80,3,f,ascii;cctl;disc=<l>             |
   finfo 9 FORM<vz> l1 LIMIT                                               |
   no 9 display The message file can be <l1> lines long.                   |
   yes 9 input l1 How long can be the message file?                        |
   yes 9 print !build FORM<vz>;rec=-80,3,f,ascii;cir;cctl;disc=<l1>        |
   print file <source1><vz>                                                |
7  input wish Other wishes (COPY, DELETE, RENUMBER, FKLABELS ...)?         |12.
   null 4                                                                  |
   yes 4 goto 5                                                            |
6  input parm Parameters of the next "<wish>" ?                            |
   null 7                                                                  |
   yes 7 goto 7                                                            |
   print <wish> <parm>                                                     |
   goto 6                                                                  |
5  print compile into <source1><vz><fast>                                  |
   print forms @                                                           |
   print list                                                              |
   print EXIT                                                              |
   print !IF formspecerrorjcw=0 THEN                                       |
   print !continue                                                         |
   print !aser <source1><vz><fast>                                         |
   print !tell NF.IKINFO,"<source1><vz><fast> is open from public usage"   |
   print !ELSE                                                             |
   print ! TELL NF.IKINFO,""Errors in <source1><vz>  ----> Ld. FORM<vz>"   |
   print !ENDIF                                                            |
   print !TELL NF.IKINFO,"<source1><vz>JOB has run"                        |
   print !EOJ                                                              |
EOF FOUND IN FROMFILE AFTER RECORD 62                                      |
 8. Who is the user?
 9. Enter password if it is not found in the default place.
10. Composition of i/o file names.
11. The parameters in "<>" brackets are substituted and the text after the "print" verb are streamed.
12. Here are some examples of the batch statements recognized by FORMSPEC.
FILE <form_file_name>                   Define form file
COMPILE [INTO <fast_form_file>]         Compile form file
RENUMBER <form>                         Renumber fields
DELETE   <form>                         Delete a form
FIELD    <field_name> <pr1>,...,<prn>   Change field properties
                                        (positional parameters:
                                        pr1: new field name
                                        pr2: enhancement
                                        pr3: field type
                                        pr4: data type
                                        initial value with leading blanks|$EMPTY
COPY     <form1> [IN file] TO <form2>   Copy a form
                                        [from another form file]
FKLABELS <form> [<f1>]\...\[<f8>]\      Change the function key texts of a form
FORMS   @                               List forms and fields
LIST    [form]                          List forms and fields and screen layout.
RELATE  <child_form> TO <parent_form>   Relate two forms with same layout but
                                        different field control
EXIT                                    Exit from program
+ SELECTLANG, SELECTTERM and ARB commands not listed.
I hope this helps.
************************Family      : NAGY
*NNN......NN..FFFFFFFFF*First name  : FERENC
*NNNN.....NN..FFFFFFFFF*Title       : Ph. D., Scientific Co-Worker
*NN.NN....NN..FF.......*Company     : Institute of Isotopes of
*NN..NN...NN..FFFFFF...*              the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
*NN...NN..NN..FFFFFF...*E-mail      : [log in to unmask]
*NN....NN.NN..FF.......*P.O.B. addr.: 1525 BUDAPEST Pf. 77., HUNGARY
*NN....NN.NN..FF.......*Street addr.: 1121 BUDAPEST Konkoly-Thege M. ut 29.
*NN.....NNNN..FF.......*Fax         : (36)-1-156-5045  or try (36)-1-169-5087
*NN......NNN..FF.......*Phone       : (36)-1-275-4351 <=== NEW!
*NN......NNN..FF.......*Home address: 1214 BUDAPEST Raketa u. 29. I. 3., HUNGARY
************************Home phone  : (36)-1-277-4229
"There are three kinds of programming errors: syntactical, semantical and
"The programmers have to suck up the users just as much as absolutely