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Bill Stacy <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Bill Stacy <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 17 Feb 2004 12:40:45 -0500
text/plain (49 lines)
Dear Colleagues,

Many of us participated in a UT system-wide Workplace Satisfaction Survey
last September.  The results of that survey are being made available today
through an email from President Joseph Johnson.

The survey attempted to take a snapshot of employees' opinions about
working at UT and to identify areas where we could improve the work
environment.  About one-third of UTC faculty and staff participated.

Just as President Joseph Johnson noted of the system results, the results
specific to our campus point out a pride in service to students and a
commitment to excellence.  Knowing the level of professionalism and
dedication that exists here on this campus, these happily could have been

Several areas also emerged as needing our attention.  It should come as no
surprise that improving compensation ranked among the areas in need of
address.  Since the time of the survey, the University Budget Committee has
worked with the Faculty Senate, The Employee Relations Committee, and the
Exempt Staff Council to develop plans to distribute a pool of equity
adjustments.  Continued attention to compensation is a fiscal as well as
human resource issue for us.

The survey results have also told us that we need to communicate more and
better about matters affecting both us as individuals and as an
institution.  It is encouraging to note that several organized efforts are
taking place on campus this spring to bring us together as colleagues to
address our metropolitan mission and each of our roles in its achievement.

At the system level, several initiatives have already been set into motion
to examine further the issues that have emerged from this survey, and
similar efforts will be underway on our campus as well.  Leadership from
the representative bodies will be asked to assist in formulating a response
to the concerns raised by the survey.

The system-wide survey will be issued again in two years to access
progress.  Here on our campus, we will be looking at the results and
seeking your additional input to clarify the issues as we develop
strategies together.

Thank you for your participation in the survey and important
follow-up.  Your opinions and involvement are significant.

And thank you for everything you do each and every day for our students and
for each other.

Bill Stacy