
Check out the JOBSECURITY command. The PASSEXEMPT option of this command
allows you to set when you can stream a job without passwords.

John Zoltak
North American Mfg Co

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Costas Anastassiades [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 1999 6:58 AM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: [HP3000-L] STREAM and passwords
> Do I remember reading that STREAMing a job which would log on
> to the same
> account, group and user as is it is streamed by, would not require any
> passwords ? How about the job that streamed itself wouldn't
> require the
> passwords be re-entered ?
> Is any of this true in some version ... or am I just wishing it was ?
> Costas Anastassiades,
> MIS Department,
> Intracom SA,
> Athens-Greece